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Maneuvering an RV, camper, boat, or cargo trailer in and out of tight spaces can be frustrating, and that’s when an electric trailer dolly can be a game changer. But with so many choices, it can be confusing to figure out which is best for your needs.
In our guide to electric trailer dollies, we explain what they are, the benefits, plus 13 things to know when shopping for an electric tow dolly. We review over 20 electric dollies from nine different manufacturers and share our thoughts, with a recap on the ones we think are best. Buckle up, and let’s go!

Why Would You Want An Electric Trailer Dolly?
Moving a trailer by hand requires strength and may even be dangerous. And depending on where you store your trailer, you might be unable to park it with your truck or SUV. There are several advantages to using an electric trailer dolly, including extreme maneuverability and precise movement.
Electric trailer dollies are more compact and maneuverable compared to using a towing vehicle. You can turn the unit sideways and move a trailer 90 degrees. This is virtually impossible with a regular hitch on the back of a towing vehicle.
Photo credit: ParkIt360 – showing the benefit of parking in very tight spaces that are impossible with a regular towing vehicle
There is no need to have the bulk of the tow vehicle either. You can park trailers end to end, maneuver around obstacles in your yard or outdoor storage space, or maneuver in garages or tight storage spaces.
Plus, electric power doesn’t have exhaust fumes and is usually quiet. This is especially important when using indoors. You could even use an electric trailer dolly to park any trailer in a way that would make it impossible to steal without using the dolly. For example, it allows you to park your trailer hitch first into a garage or other obstacle.
This Airstream is parked hitch first into trees. You’d need a trailer dolly to move it.
What we cover in this post
This article has two main sections. First, we cover the differences you must consider when shopping for electric trailer dollies. Second, we share summaries of all the trailer dollies offered by the most popular brands. Finally, we’ll wrap up with which ones we think are the best for your money.
Photo credit: ParkIt360 shows a Transformer model electric trailer dolly pulling a fifth wheel out of an indoor storage area
Electric Trailer Dolly Differences: Need to Know
13 Things to Know When Shopping Electric Trailer Dollies
We’ll cover the many types of electric RV trailer dollies made by the most popular manufacturers. But first, let’s look at the main considerations and variables in them that are most important. Here is what you need to consider before deciding which electric trailer dolly is best for your needs.
1. Maximum trailer weight and tongue weight capacities
First up, you need to know the maximum tongue weight and the total loaded weight of the RV, boat, cargo, or other trailer you currently have or plan to buy. You’ll need to ensure the electric trailer dolly is rated for more than the weight of your trailer. It’s a good idea to buy an even more capable electric trailer mover, just in case you ever buy a larger or heavier trailer in the future.
Exceeding the rated weight ratings will cause premature wear on the unit at a minimum. It can also cause an accident, damage property, or injure someone, so it’s always better to get an electric trailer dolly with more capacity than you actually need. When considering the safety of your trailer, yourself, and others, the weight and capacities aren’t something you want to skimp on.
If your driveway is steep, you had better have built-in braking
2. Braking ability for safety
We’re extremely safety-conscious, and so we believe that this is one of the most important features of any electric trailer dolly. A big reason you’re likely considering buying an electric trailer dolly is that the trailer is too hard to move by hand. If you have trouble moving the trailer, you will definitely have trouble stopping it once it moves!
So please, unless your trailer is light enough to comfortably move by hand, make sure you get a dolly with some braking ability. Many units have some level of internal braking from the electric motor. Higher quality or more advanced electric trailer dollies have smart braking controllers that connect to the electric brakes of the trailer you are moving.
Photo credit: Trax Dolly showing the high-quality build
3. Build quality of the electric trailer dolly
Most electric trailer dollies are made of steel or aluminum to allow for the high weight capacities required for the job. Look for powder coatings or other corrosion-resistant materials that will increase the life of your trailer dolly. Also, consider weather-resistant designs to reduce the risk of damage to your electric trailer dolly.
Also, look closely at the quality of the components used. Even simple items like switches can tell you a lot about build quality. Consider the ongoing maintenance requirements of the dolly as well, as it all adds up. These electric trailer dollies are relatively expensive purchases. So you want to make sure your investment lasts a long time.
Photo credit: showing their X2 model with treads instead of tires for maximum traction
4. Number and type of tires for traction
Electric trailer dollies have many types and numbers of wheels and tires. Some units only have a single tire made of hard rubber. Others have two large inflatable tires. Some even have tracks like a small tank. Depending on the surfaces you need to use your RV trailer dolly on, you might need a dolly with high traction.
Having tracks or multiple wheels and tires usually increases the stability of the trailer dolly. Some people prefer to have tires or tracks that do not need to be inflated for lower maintenance.
5. Adjustability of the hitch attachment
Some electric trailer dollies do not have much if any, adjustability. Others can adjust up to 20” in height. Depending on how you are using your dolly, this could end up being a must-have feature. Adjusting the hitch height also affects how much of the tongue weight of the trailer is placed onto the trailer dolly.
Generally speaking, a lower hitch height increases the tongue weight. A higher hitch height moves more of the weight onto the main trailer’s axles, reducing the tongue weight. Most of the electric trailer dollies below assume at least 10% of the trailer weight on the dolly. More weight on the dolly might improve traction, but you don’t want to overload the ratings.
Photo credit: Trax Dolly – TX6000 with safety chain attached to trailer
6. Ability to change the type of hitch attachment
Some trailer dollies only have one size hitch ball and can’t change it. That is fine if you think you will always have the same type of hitch on all of your trailers. However, it can be valuable to be able to switch the type of hitch attachment.
Even two trailers with a 2” hitch ball don’t necessarily have the same type of hitch because of the type of coupler. Some electric trailer dollies can handle fifth-wheel, gooseneck, pintle, and other hitches. So if you think you’ll want that flexibility, look for an electric trailer dolly that you know you can change the hitch ball on.
Precise control is vital when parking in tight spaces
7. Maneuverability on various terrains and angles
Some electric trailer dollies can only be used on level asphalt or concrete surfaces. Others can be used on gravel and hard-packed grass surfaces. And some models can be used on grades up to 8%, in case you have a sloped driveway.
Make sure that the electric trailer dolly you choose can operate in the environment where you need it. Higher-quality trailer dollies also have more variability in the throttle controls instead of just on or off in forward or reverse. A variable speed throttle gives you more precise control.
This is a VERY tight space in the back yard. Electric trailer dollies offer extreme maneuverability
8. Speed of the electric trailer dolly under load
There is a big difference in the speed capabilities of the electric trailer dollies we share below. If you are only moving a trailer a short distance, you might be fine with speeds of 20 feet per minute. But if you need to move your trailer over significant distances, having a trailer dolly that can move at 120 or even 200 feet per minute will be valuable.
Also, check if you can disengage the electric motor of the trailer dolly. This feature lets you move the trailer dolly quickly and easily by hand when it is not under load. Suppose you need to store the trailer dolly far away from the trailer when not in use. Or if you otherwise move the trailer dolly a lot while not under load, this is a useful feature.
9. Battery power and amount of time it can operate per charge
If you have a big trailer that needs to move a large distance, or you need to move trailers frequently, you’ll need a lot of battery power. Some electric trailer dollies have small batteries that only work for small jobs. Others can run for over 30 minutes and have battery-level monitors, so you know how much power you have left. It would be a huge inconvenience to be partway through moving your trailer and then run out of battery.
Other electric trailer dollies don’t have a battery at all and depend on using the battery of the RV or another external source. Believe it or not, one of the trailer dollies below uses the power from a cordless drill to operate. If using the battery of the RV, have a way to recharge it when you are done.
Photo credit: ParkIt360 – using a Force electric trailer dolly to move a trailer in the parking lot
10. Ease of set up and use
Most electric trailer dollies are relatively simple to set up and use. Check out the reviews of the model(s) you are considering to ensure other buyers have been happy with operating it. Part of the ease of use will depend on how you plan to use it.
Some electric trailer dollies are semi-permanently installed onto the trailer. This is a more difficult installation. But it might be handy to have it attached to the trailer at all times. For example, maybe you require tight maneuvering at your home base and also your travel destination after disconnecting from your main towing vehicle.
Other models connect to the hitch of the trailer. This allows more versatility in how it’s used, where it’s stored, and the number of trailers your dolly can move.
12. Prices of electric trailer dollies
Of course, the cost will be a big factor in your decision-making. You’ll want something that fits your budget. But don’t just automatically look for the least expensive electric trailer dolly, as they are not all created equal. Sometimes you get what you pay for. As covered in the points above, there are many variables, so you want to be clear on the most important features for your needs when narrowing down your options.
In the long run, it may end up being better value for money to spend more on a higher quality unit that is safer, easier to use, and will last longer. But you don’t necessarily need to buy the most expensive, either. Focus on finding the best electric trailer dolly for your needs, with the flexibility to handle other trailers, should you decide to switch.
Electric trailer dollies rated for small trailers can cost under $1,000. While more capable units rated up to 15,000 pounds can cost less than $5,000. Of course, commercial units have much higher ratings, but these can cost over $40,000. In this guide, we focused on the recreational needs of most RVers and boaters. So prices for most of the units reviewed in this article range from $500 to $7,000.
13. Reviews and reliability experiences of other owners
As with any significant purchase, doing some research on what others have experienced with the product really pays off. This guide will give you a great foundation of what to look for and details of the most popular brands and types of products.
But when you are close to a decision, read the experiences of others who own the electric trailer dolly you plan to buy. Remember, everyone has slightly different needs with their electric trailer dollies. Many people like these for maneuvering indoors. It is especially great for moving food trucks/carts or trailers indoors at conventions or inside warehouses since there are no exhaust fumes, being electric. Others mostly operate outdoors and may even need to operate in bad weather.
Some models are attached to the hitch. This makes it easy to switch between trailers if moving more than one. Movers that stay attached to the trailer frame are nice if you want the same flexibility of precise movement where you normally store the trailer and where you are traveling to. Only you know how and where you plan to use it most of the time. So keep your current and future needs in mind when reading others’ reviews.
Electric Trailer Dolly – Top Brands and Styles
OK, now that we have covered the top features to look for when deciding which electric trailer dolly to buy, let’s look at the top manufacturers. You’ll find them below, organized by manufacturer. We grouped brands with similar styles together for closer comparisons.
Read through all of these, as there is a wide variety of trailer dolly styles and price ranges. Current prices range from under $500 to well over $7,000. Some models are semi-permanently mounted to the trailers, while others mount quickly to the hitch for broader use with multiple trailers.
We start with brands that have a variety of different styles of trailer dollies. These are followed by a list of brands that only have the single-wheel bolt-on style.
Electric Trailer Dolly Comparison: 9 Brands and Over 20 Products
Here are the nine most popular brands that offer multiple trailer dolly types and styles within their product line. As you can see, there are many to choose from, so have your checklist handy, with the features that matter most to you.
Let’s take a look at over 20 trailer dolly options below to help you narrow down to the right one for you.
Photo credit: top of the line X2 model with remote control
TRAX Dolly
TRAX is a Canadian electric trailer dolly company that produces three main models. We share high-level information on the TRAX TX 6000, RHINO, and X2 below. But first, here are some features that all TRAX electric trailer dollies have in common. They all come with a 2-year warranty, fast and slow speed settings in forward and reverse, and variable throttle speed.
Speaking of speed, the TRAX dollies are the fastest we have seen. They travel at up to 220 feet per minute. By comparison, most other brands only travel 20 to 120 feet per minute. All three models look very high quality, use quiet motors that don’t overheat, and have excellent reviews. Now for some information on specific models.
Photo credit: TX6000 model with grey tires
TRAX TX 6000 electric trailer dolly
The TRAX TX 6000 is rated to move trailers weighing up to 6000 pounds and has a powerful 36-Volt motor. It is available with four different size hitch balls and it is easy to switch out hitch balls. The 7-pin connector allows connecting to your trailer and using the trailer brakes.
Plus the TX 6000 has built-in compact disc brakes. So it has double braking controllers. It looks very high quality with its diamond plate battery and motor cover. You can order it with gray or black tires, depending on the surface you plan to use it on. The power tires are 12.5” tall and 6” wide for great traction. And the third castor/drag wheel is 6”. It appears to have good ergonomics, and operates on grades. The TX 6000 is high quality at a mid range price, available direct through the manufacturer only. Find current price at
Photo credit: Rhino model
TRAX RHINO electric wagon and cart dolly
The TRAX RHINO is unlike any of the other electric movers mentioned in this post. Mainly because it’s built with the primary intention of towing carts and wagons that don’t have tongue weight. But it can also be used to tow small trailers. It moves up to five miles on a single charge.
Power is delivered via two big wide rubber tires. And it has a third wheel on a castor to help balance. Add up to 200 pounds of weight inside the RHINO if needed for more traction. The RHINO is best suited for people who need to move carts or other items over long distances.
People working in trade shows immediately come to mind with this electric trailer dolly. This can tow all your gear in and out of an event with minimal effort. But it is much safer than forklifts or other heavy equipment. Plus quiet electric power motors is not a problem indoors. Trax electric trailer dollies are only available directly through the manufacturer at where you can see the current price.
Photo credit: with their top of the line X2 model
TRAX X2 electric trailer dolly
The TRAX X2 is their top-of-the-line trailer mover. It is a heavy-duty unit with a rubber track providing superior traction. The X2 is rated for 15,000-pound trailers and used with a huge variety of adapters to tow any type of trailer. Multiple hitch ball sizes, fifth wheel, gooseneck, pintle hitch, Atwood puzzle adapters, and universal hitch adapters.
With two powerful 36-volt motors, it has excellent maneuverability and can travel up to 220 feet per minute. The extra traction of the tracks allows it to handle steeper grades than most trailer dollies, since traction is usually the limiting factor. Like the TX 6000, it has double braking controllers. One via the
7-pin connector for trailer brakes. And the second is internal disc brakes. It can be operated via a remote control up to 1,000 feet away. The remote has 3-way handshake security to make sure the trailer will not move on its own.
TRAX X2 weighs 320 pounds. Its dimensions are 48”x29”x17”. These are very robust and built for much more work than some of the other brands below. The TRAX X2 is one of the most expensive trailer dollies, but worth it, in my opinion. It’s a superior, high quality product, and would be a top pick from this list.
See an amazing video showing the capabilities of TRAX X2 and get the latest (on sale) pricing at their website:
Parkit360 dollies
Next up is Parkit360, a very popular electric trailer dolly manufacturer. They have sold over 25,000 units in the last ten years, so have been around a while. Like TRAX, Parkit360 is a Canadian manufacturer focused on quality products and has excellent reviews. They offer three main models of trailer dollies. But they have different versions of those models for specific applications. The three models are Scout, Force, and Transformer. Let’s dive into more specifics of each model below.
Parkit360 Scout manual trailer dolly
While this article is focused on electric trailer dollies, I felt it was worth including the manually operated Parkit360 Scout. The Scout is intended for lightweight camper trailers, cargo trailers, and utility trailers. There are no brakes or electronic assistance. But the larger 10” x 3.5” rubber tire, and a long handle would have better ergonomics for maneuvering a trailer than without one.
Manual trailer dollies like this would still provide more precise movement than with a vehicle, or by hand. It can be used with 2” or 2 5/16” hitch balls.
Parkit360 Force electric trailer dolly
The Parkit360 Force model is more aligned with the rest of this article since it is an electric trailer dolly. There are two versions of the Force trailer dolly. One is rated for 5,000 pound trailers, and the other is rated for trailers up to 10,000 pounds.
Both Force models are rated for up to 900-pound tongue weight. Force models have 20” ball mount adapters with tightening bars and can use 2” or 2 5/16” hitch balls. They have two 12” by 6.5” power tires. But there is no third wheel like you will see on most wheeled hitch-mount electric trailer dollies. Force models have smart brake controllers with 7-pin connectors enabling the use of the trailer’s braking system.
They can be used on grades up to 6 degrees, have high and low speeds, and can be used in forward or reverse. Force units also have the ability to disengage the motor for free wheel mode to transport easily when not under load. The relatively compact size, similar to a lawnmower, and 80-pound weight allow you to transport it in the back of a car or SUV.
Parkit360 Force electric trailer dolly
Photo credit:
Parkit360 Transformer electric trailer dolly
Transformer models can tow up to 15,000-pound 5th wheels and other trailers with up to 3,000-pound tongue weight. There are three different versions of the Transformer (KB, BF, and G). But the main difference between them is just how they hitch up to trailers.
The Transformer models are only available when buying direct from ParkIt360. Similar to the Force models, the Transformer has high and low speeds, forward and reverse, and the ability to disengage the motor to transport when not under load. But in addition to the large 12” x 6.5” power wheels, it also has two additional wheels for better stability. Multiple hitching options include 2” or 2 5/16” balls, and fifth-wheel hitch mounts like the gooseneck, king box, or landing leg.
Transformers can also be operated with a wireless remote. And they connect to the trailer with a 7-pin connector to enable the trailer brakes for safety.
Trailer Valet Electric and Drill Powered Trailer Dollies
Trailer Valet builds two main types of trailer dollies, with multiple versions of each type. Prices range widely depending on the type of dolly you choose. They are the only company that I know of that makes electric drill-powered dollies. And they also offer very capable remote control electric trailer movers called RVRs with caterpillar treads. Trailer Valet sells other products in addition to trailer dollies. Products like ball mounts, drop hitches, couplers, and jacks. First, we’ll talk about the drill-powered models, then move on to the remote control trailer movers.
Trailer Valet drill-powered electric trailer dollies
Trailer Valet has two models of drill-powered trailer dollies. Their base model is called the 5X. It is rated to move a 5,000-pound trailer with a 500-pound tongue weight. The 5X model stays bolted to the trailer and swivels out of the way when not in use. This model is not able to be motorized as is but has a hand crank. You need to add a drill attachment to enable the powered function. Then you need to have a powerful 20 to 24-volt drill to power it. It has an automatic safety brake and high and low gears.
Trailer Valet XL model shown in the pictures above and below are rated for 10,000-pound trailers with 1,000-pound tongue weights. They come with a hand crank and already have the drill attachment if you have an appropriate drill. XL models differ from the 5X model in that they mount to the hitch, not directly to the trailer frame. They only weigh 54 pounds. So you could transport them inside your trailer or towing vehicle.
While I haven’t personally tried one of these, in looking at the photos, the ergonomics seem awkward when using the drill to power it. It is still be much better than trying to move a trailer manually, but something to keep in mind.
Trailer Valet Remote Control Trailer Movers
If you are looking for a less physical experience, Trailer Valet offers four different models of remote control trailer movers called RVRs. They can be operated with remote control from 40 feet away. All RVRs deliver power through caterpillar treads like tank treads, offering superior traction.
This build style also allows for a 360-degree range of motion. All models have appropriately sized batteries that allow 30-minute runtime. They have an integrated brake, but it is not able to fully stop the trailer unless on level ground. All models are rated to operate on up to 8-degree slopes.
Models range from RVR3 to RVR12. RVR3s are mounted directly to the trailer frame and can move trailers up to 3,500 pounds. They weigh 48 pounds and move at a super slow speed of 23 feet per minute. The RVR12 is rated for 12,000-pound trailers with up to 1,200-pound tongue weights. RVR12s can travel at 120 feet per minute. The RVR5 and RVR9 land in between the other two in price and capabilities.
Super Handy electric trailer dollies
The Super Handy brand has three models of electric trailer dollies. All three run on 24volt power, have forward and reverse gears, and variable speed via a throttle. They are all 24” wide and capable of moving at least 85 feet per minute in the forward direction. All are rated to operate on up to a four-degree slope.
The base model is capable of towing a 2,800-pound trailer with a 450-pound tongue weight. It comes with a height adjustable 2” hitch ball, 13” power wheels, and one extra castor wheel. The next higher model is rated to tow 3,600 pounds with a 600-pound tongue weight. This model has the ability to change the hitch ball type and height. It also adds a fourth wheel for extra stability.
Super Handy’s top model is rated for towing a 7,500-pound trailer with 1,100 tongue weight. This model adds 16” power wheels, two eight-inch swivel wheels, and two three-inch castor wheels for a total of six. It has larger batteries and weighs 227 pounds. The top model also adds a 7-pin socket to connect to the trailer brakes for safety.
Photo credit: Power Pusher showing their electric trailer dolly in industrial use
Power Pusher electric trailer dollies
Power Pusher is a company primarily focused on industrial-sized movers. They are all very heavy-duty, and intended for consistent use. Some of their products are used in railroad, trucking, and other VERY heavy-use applications. The lightest duty model I found, which would be more appropriate for comparison in this article, is the Power Pusher E-750.
It has a 24-volt, 1,200-watt motor. And it is rated to push or pull a 7,500-pound trailer with up to 1,000-pound tongue weight. You can choose a ball hitch, pintle, combo, or tongue and pin receiver. The huge 16”x6.5 high-traction tires are filled with foam, so you don’t need to worry about airing them up.
Regenerative and electromagnetic braking is standard. They have throttle control, horns, and other unique features. You can even option it with a wheelbarrow attachment for big landscaping jobs. This is definitely a company worth looking into if you have more industrial needs.
Tow Tough electric trailer dolly
Tow Tuff only has one model. It is rated to tow a 3,500-pound trailer with up to 600-pound tongue capacity. This trailer dolly looks eerily similar to the base model Super Handy. I am unsure who copied who, or if both distribution companies buy them from the same manufacturer.
It has forward, reverse, and variable speeds of up to 120 feet per minute. It only has one hitch ball option of 2”. But at this weight rating, you would almost certainly only have trailers with a 2” ball anyway. I feel less confident in the quality of this unit and the base model from Super Handy than some of the other products researched for this article. But it might be a good choice for some buyers.
Mini Mover Generation 2 dolly
The Mini Mover Generation 2 weighs 40 pounds. It bolts directly to the frame of your trailer and has a control arm for steering. They claim it is rated to move a 6,000-pound trailer with a maximum wheel load of 498 pounds, and that it can pull up to a seven-degree grade.
That is a big claim for a small, single-wheel unit like this. It is made of aluminum and has a forward and reverse ability. The clutch feature allows it to roll freely if you don’t want to use power. And it has an automatic braking system. It locks to the trailer to reduce theft. Other reviews mentioned that the controlling arm is not strong and could bend or break. But it might be the right fit for some users.
Biltek electric trailer dolly
Biltek is similar to the Mini Mover Generation 2 mentioned above. But it has much lower weight ratings. It is rated to move a 2,500-pound trailer with up to 600-pound tongue weight. Speed is limited to 22 feet per minute. It weighs only 35 pounds and is lockable to reduce theft. If you only have a light duty and infrequent use, it might do the job for you. But as I don’t feel confident in the long-term quality and longevity of this unit, I would not recommend it for that reason.
Photo credit: Trailer Butler
Trailer Butler electric trailer dollies
The Trailer Butler appears to be the highest quality single-wheel trailer dolly. They have two versions. One is rated for trailers under 7,000 pounds, and the other for trailers up to 12,000 pounds. It has built-in trailer braking control and requires about 20 minutes for installation. This is currently only available when buying direct from the company.
This unit is designed to be left attached to the trailer and can swing up out of the way while transporting the trailer with your towing vehicle. It has a sizable DOT-rated tire. This large tire provides better traction for moving, stopping, and going over bumps. Everything about this electric trailer dolly is superior to the other single-wheel models. But it is also much more expensive. See the latest prices for all models at their website.
Which electric trailer dolly is best and why?
While everyone’s needs, budget, and criteria, are different, I do feel some of these electric trailer dollies are much better than others. I would personally choose to spend more to have additional safety features, better ease of use, and higher quality so that it lasts longer.
It is also important to for me to buy from a company that has been around for many years and has a great reputation. Most people buying an electric trailer dolly have already spent a lot of money on the trailer they plan to move. And they also have specific needs that the dolly needs to meet. So, spending a little more money to get a high-quality unit that exceeds your current and future needs is going to be the better choice.
Which electric trailer dolly would I choose?
If I were to purchase an electric trailer dolly right now, it would probably be one of the models from TRAX. I also like the products from Parkit360 and Trailer Valet. The Power Pusher products are overkill for my needs. And I don’t have as much confidence in the Super Handy and Tow Tuff products. But I am sure they would be a great fit for many people. If I were looking for a single-wheel-style trailer dolly, I would choose the Trailer Butler XHD.
Hope you found this guide helpful. Do you have an electric trailer dolly? We would love to hear what you chose and why, in the comments section below.
Author Bio: Marc Bennett
A Colorado native, Marc is an avid cyclist and hiker who has lived, worked, and traveled by RV to all 50 USA states, while working full-time. He is co-author, with his wife Julie, of two bestselling books: "RV Hacks: 400+ Ways to Make Life on the Road Easier, Safer, and More Fun!" and "Living the RV Life: Your Ultimate Guide to Life on the Road". In RV life, Marc takes care of all the dirty jobs – fixing things, washing dishes, and dumping the black tank.
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