When to Buy an RV Warranty For Best Value

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RV warranties are about to see a price rise on January 1st, and we’ve been getting a lot of questions about whether it’s a good time to buy one now, before that happens. Model years will also change – is your RV eligible? When it comes to RV warranty protection, there’s a lot to consider. The whats, wheres, and whens, can be overwhelming. As always, getting educated is key to making the right decisions for your RV lifestyle. 

Now, if you’re just starting to ponder the idea of RV warranty protection, we have a detailed article “RV Extended Warranties – Are They Worth it?” That will give you a great foundation on how these warranties work. In it, we share our own experience, having owned several RVs. Some with – and some without – an RV warranty, along with the pros and cons of each. We have also published a couple of in-depth reports.

In the REAL Cost of RV Ownership article, we share what we spent during our 6+ years of full time RVing. In it, we include an expense report of all RV repairs and maintenance. More recently, we also compared the Cost of RVing – Full Time vs Part Time. We think you’ll find both of these eye opening seeing just how and where RV repair expenses can add up. If you don’t already own an RV with your own first hand experience to draw from, these reports will give you a real world perspective of what it costs to own an RV.

But right now, this article will address one of the most common questions that RVers run into during their research.

WHEN should I buy an RV warranty?

There’s a lot to this question, so we sat down with industry expert Jeff Shelton, Owner and CEO of Wholesale Warranties – to get the answers on everything related to timing of RV warranties.

Here’s that interview – with all the details on dates and model years – now. Please leave a comment at the end if you have any questions!

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Interview with Jeff Shelton, Wholesale Warranties

RVLOVE: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us today, Jeff. Let’s start with the kinds of RV warranty changes you start seeing during the winter months, and a common question many RVers have.

Why exactly do RV warranties change on January 1st of each new year? And how do they change?

Jeff Shelton: This is a great question, and something we’re always looking to educate people on during the winter months. Essentially, as of January 1st, each RV is considered a model year older by the RV industry—and more importantly, by RV extended service contract companies. This simply means your RV is considered one model year older in the eyes of the warranty providers that we work with. And this is important because the age of your RV is one of the main qualities we use to quote and price out extended warranty policies. 

Generally speaking, the older a rig is, the more likely it is to suffer a mechanical breakdown. Therefore, the cost of protecting yourself against repair bills goes up! Simply put, if you don’t have a brand new unit, purchasing the same warranty coverage for that RV in the new year will cost you more.

Age not only affects the price of a policy, but eligibility as well. So depending on the age of your unit, you may become ineligible for full coverage on your RV – or any coverage at all – as of January 1, 2024.

What factors directly impact RV warranty price rises? 

Jeff: I think this is an important distinction to make: it isn’t necessarily that the cost of the policy itself is going up. But the cost of protecting your unit is, with the rising costs of parts and labor. And remember, we now consider the RV is one model year older, so the policy is going up, to match the higher expected risk of breakdown. 

What RVs will no longer be eligible for coverage after December 31st, 2023?

Jeff: For all RVs, we can currently offer a variety of coverage options, including full comprehensive protection, for vehicles 15 model years old and newer. So to give you an example, that means currently, in 2023, a 2008 motorhome or towable RV is eligible for RV protection. For motorhomes specifically, we can also offer Powertrain Only coverage to vehicles aged 20 model years and newer. So in 2023, that is a 2003 model motorized unit. As of January 1st, 2024, a 2008 towable RV and 2003 motorhome will not be eligible for coverage of any kind.

So, what RVs WILL be eligible for coverage come January 1, 2024?

Jeff: It’s best to think in terms of our model year eligibility. Motorhomes and towable RVs aged 15 model years old and newer will have an option for coverage with Wholesale Warranties.

RVLOVE: Okay, great, that’s so helpful. Now we’ve talked about some changes that hit during winter, but another big timing question when it comes to RV coverage happens when you’ve first purchased! People often as us:

Why should an RVer buy an extended warranty when their RV is brand new, and they already have an RV manufacturer warranty?

Jeff: Another very common question, and for good reason! Most people want to know if buying an RV warranty when they still have manufacturer coverage will mean they have overlapping protection, and the answer is yes, you will!

So it’s an individual decision on your comfort level with dual protection, and we can certainly help you out in a year – when your manufacturer policy is up – if you choose to wait. But there are some pretty good reasons to go ahead and get your extended warranty right away, and we want to make sure RVers know their options.

What are the benefits of buying an RV extended warranty when you buy a new RV? 

Jeff: We’ve already discussed a little bit about vehicle age being a driving factor in the cost of an RV warranty. So it won’t come as a surprise that brand new units are considered less likely to breakdown, and therefore less expensive to protect with an extended policy. But even more than that, the RV warranty companies know that brand new units have manufacturer policies that will be first in line for any breakdowns during the vehicle’s first year in-service. This mitigated risk allows them to offer you the same great coverage at a lower rate.

Additionally, when your rig is brand new, the extended RV warranty companies will allow you to lock in the best pricing and the longest terms available. Generally speaking, the best per-year value you’ll get is on the longest-term policy available.

Between model year and manufacturer coverage, you simply will never get a better price or longer term for your RV warranty than if you choose to buy while the RV is brand new.

How can RVers beat 2024 policy changes and get coverage now?

Jeff: You can work with one of our RV Warranty Specialists to learn more about your options, get a free quote for coverage, and lock in your rate before the end of the year. 

I also want to mention that we know it can seem counterintuitive to get a warranty if you’ll be storing your rig for the winter, but it might just be the best decision you could make. Not only will you get the best rate, but you’ll also have your coverage locked in and ready to go when you pull the rig out of storage in the spring.

We see a ton of breakdowns that occur after a vehicle has been sitting unused for a few months. Issues can occur when de-winterizing your RV, or be uncovered in the spring. So if you haven’t locked in your RV warranty yet, these breakdowns wouldn’t be covered, and you’ll start your travel season with repair bills coming out of pocket.

If I’m storing my unit for the winter, doesn’t it make the most sense to purchase an RV Warranty in the new year?

Jeff: If you’re not at an eligibility deadline, you can wait to buy in the new year. Of course, we’ve discussed that this will mean you pay more for the same coverage, so from a financial perspective that may not be your best choice.

That said, it isn’t just the cost of the policy coming into play. Our stats show that a large portion of mechanical failures occur while the rig is sitting and unused. RVs simply aren’t made to be idle! If you purchase your policy now, before putting your RV away for the winter, and experience breakdowns once spring comes, those failures can be paid for by your RV warranty policy.

However, if you choose to wait, you’ll be paying for those repairs and your policy in the new year. With so many claims occurring after de-winterization, it really makes the most sense to lock in your best coverage at your best rate before the end of the year.

What’s involved in getting coverage and how long does it take?

Jeff: The process is pretty simple. You can get a free quote by visiting our website or giving us a call at 800-939-2806. An RV Warranty Specialist will work with you to determine the level of coverage, term, deductible, and more to best match your desired level of risk and your RV lifestyle.

Once you’ve decided on the coverage you’re going to purchase, we may need to perform an RV inspection. The inspection process is easy, and serves as a great way to protect you from having claims denied due to pre-existing conditions.

RV inspections look like this. We’ll set you up with a certified RV inspector who will come to your location to perform a review of the mechanical condition of your RV. They will ensure everything is in working order and good to go, at which point we can activate your RV warranty policy, and you can hit the road with the peace of mind that you have great coverage—and that you got it at a great price.

Can people finance their RV warranty or do they have to pay in full upfront?

Jeff: We have a few different options for financing available. You can, of course, pay up front, which will save you a bit of money. But you can also lighten the load with a monthly payment plan.

RVLOVE: Great! Thank you so much, Jeff. I think this is good information for RVers to have as they make decisions about whether or not to purchase an RV warranty — and when is the best time for them.

JEFF: My pleasure. As always, we’re here to help! Education is our goal. Wishing all the RVers happy and safe travels this season!

RV Warranties Snapshot

RV Warranty Eligibility


  • All coverage types are available up to 15 model years. That is, until the end of 2023, 2008 model and newer motorhomes are eligible for comprehensive RV warranty coverage. As of 1/1/24 a 2008 motorhome will not be eligible for comprehensive and exclusionary RV warranty protection.
  • Motorhomes up to 20 model years old are eligible for powertrain-only coverage, which protects you against catastrophic engine and transmission failures. As of 1/1/24, a 2003 motorhome will not be eligible for any RV warranty protection.

Towable RVs

  • Full coverage is available up to 15 model years. From 1/1/24 towable RVs aged 2008 are no longer eligible for any RV warranty protection.
  • Until December 31st, 2023, eligible towable RVs can still get full coverage.

Important dates

  • The cutoff date for 2008 towable RVs and 2003 motorhomes is 12/31/2023.
  • Your RV may require an inspection. In order to set this up and have it completed prior to your policy going into force, we recommend you buy as soon as possible before the end of the year, particularly the holidays. Lock in your rate by December 16th, 2023, for the easiest processing!

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Recommended Resources

Over the years, we’ve found many great resources that help save us money and/or enhance our RVs and RV life. Here are some of our faves that we use and recommend.

If you have any questions at all about these resources and providers, please don’t hesitate to ask. We’re here to help.

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