How to get best deal on a Thousand Trails Zone Pass

Every now and then Thousand Trails runs special promo offers on their Camping Zone Pass, but even when they’re not actively showing an offer on their website, you can still probably snag a deal.

In this article, we share our tips for how to make a good deal even greater and get more bang for your buck.

We really liked the ability to stay up to 14 nights in a campground for next to nothing – having a membership reduces or eliminates nightly campground fees. A no brainer for full-time RVers like us!

Our Experience

After that you’ll need to stay out of the Thousand Trails system for 7 nights before coming back in again.

You can also stay up to 4 nights and move directly to another Thousand Trails park and keep park hopping for as long as you like – as long as you don’t exceed 4 nights for each stay… When staying anywhere from 5-14 nights, the ‘7 day out’ rule applies.

When we signed up for our Zone Pass back in 2014, Thousand Trails included the Encore South Lake Tahoe, CA campground as one of our resorts and we enjoyed a 14 night summer stay, completely free of charge.

Bonus Encore Properties

Check to ensure you pay only one annual fee for the Zone Pass (USD$670) and you will have no further commitment beyond the first year, should you decide not to renew.

No long term commitment

Unless you are an occasional/vacation RVer that doesn’t plan to stay at Thousand Trails campgrounds for more than say 30 nights a year, you are better off considering the Thousand Trails Zone Pass for a one year commitment only.

Warning: Things to be Aware of

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