1. Open the drain valve, or
remove the drain cap from
your fresh water tank (and if
applicable, the low point
water system drain).
2. Empty the gray and black
3. Remove the drain plug from
the water heater.
4. After draining the water
heater, this is a good time to
use a tank rinser to flush
out any other debris or
minerals and make sure it is
nice and clean.
1. Attach a blow out plug to the
city water connection.
2. Connect an air hose from
your compressor to the blow
out plug and run air through
the water lines while drain
plugs are still not re-installed.
3. Open all hot and cold
faucets while the air is in
the system, to allow the air
to force the water out of the
4. Temporarily stop the
compressor, or disconnect
the air hose
5. Reinstall the fresh water
tank drain plug or close the
value, and low point drain
valve (if applicable)
6. Replace the drain plug or
anode rod. You might need
to wrap it with new plumbers
tape to make a nice tight
7. Run air through the lines
again now that the system
can more easily pressurize.
Be sure to open and close all
faucets (hot and cold).