Why RVers Go To Mexico For Dental?

Ever heard of medical tourism? Did you know that every day, thousands of Americans and Canadians cross the USA border into Mexico for dental, optical, and pharmaceutical?

Wondering WHY they do it, and are they crazy!? Let’s take a close look at this popular trend among RVers.

Yep, we found it in “Molar City," Mexico! As full time RVers who semi-retired early, we fearfully gave up our employer-provided medical and dental insurance plans.

Inexpensive, Yet Quality Dental for RVers?

Mexico is one of the countries where costs are much more reasonable. When it comes to dental tourism, the quality of the services is typically on par with those in the U.S. and Canada.

How Can Low-Cost Dental Services and Quality Coexist?

They allayed most of our concerns and steered us toward dentists and dental practices that seemed reputable, professional, and most reasonably priced.

Our Mexico Dental Experience with Rubio Dental Group

Based on others’ recommendations, we chose the Rubio Dental Group for exams, cleanings, and a quote on a dental implant for Jeanne. Dr. Rubio is one of the more experienced dentists in Molar City.

It helped tremendously to have a reputable dental practice already picked out, made appointments, and confirmed the location.


Because Los Algodones has so many dental practices, and due to the very active “hawkers” trying to woo customers, it would have been seriously overwhelming to have gone there and then try to find a dentist to visit.

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