Episode 1: Let’s Do This! Ultimate RV Makeover Series

One of our first challenges for this makeover was figuring out WHERE we would do it. As full time traveling RVers, we do not have a home base.

We’d been racking our brains trying to think of somewhere suitable for months. I woke up one morning with a lightning bolt of clarity. Our RVing friends Brett and Danelle who we had met a year earlier at an RV park in Palm Springs, CA.

They had been wanting us to come and spend time on their property in Oregon. This project was the perfect excuse to finally make it happen. We picked up the phone and called Brett and Danelle, who were on board immediately.

Their property met our every need and desire. Not only was it in a gorgeous and quiet location, the summer weather was perfect. We had a huge space to spread out.

When we told Julie’s long time Aussie friend Jane Brown that we had bought an older motorhome. And that we planned to renovate it and asked for her help, we expected that would come in the form of Skype or Facebook calls!

Instead, Jane’s effervescent answer was “why don’t I just jump on a jet and come over there and help you do it?”

As a former international flight attendant, Jane jumps on a jet like the rest of us grab an Uber. She flew over 8,000 miles from Sydney, Australia to join us in rural Oregon. Jane generously offered her professional design talents and hands-on help.

Yes, we know it’s going to be a big job. Yes, there are going to be unexpected challenges. But there will also be a ton of great creative ideas bubbling that we can’t wait to share.

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