Episode 5: Powering Our Off-Grid RV Renovation

This is a BIG project and we had a great team helping us. Many hands made quicker work.

Having a solid plan, all the parts on hand, and a great team of people was critical to pulling this off in only a few days.

The entire installation (batteries/inverter/solar)  took place over 3 days in 100 degree temperatures. Thankfully we had a nice shade tree to keep us out of the direct sun most of the time.

Because once we cut the cord on our old inverter, the RV was completely dead electronically.  There was no going back at that point.

We ran an extension cord directly from the power pedestal to run our residential fridge, but that was it for power to our coach. We were impressed that we were able to complete the new battery and inverter install in one long day.

This brought our RV back to life electrically, but was only one piece of the installation. Gary Quimby did the bulk of the work in the main battery bay (and later on the roof installing the solar panels), but everyone bounced around on the project to help wherever there was a need.

Many people also don’t realize that installing a system like this often involves much more than just the main components in the electrical bay, like the batteries and inverter.

We spent an additional $1,000+ on all the cables and related accessories, most of which we were able to order online via Amazon. This was really important as we were situated in the small town of Wellington, Texas, which was limited in terms of the electrical supplies and parts we needed.

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